Third, run the opnet library executable file-models_145A_PL1_27Feb08_win.exe Check the box with modeler library.Second, run the opnet document executable file-modeler_docs_2_win.exe.First, run the main executable file-modeler_145A_PL1_7116_win.exe When it comes to license, check the box with standalone.Install the executable file in size order biggest on top.Change into the install_package folder.More information and environment variables. Remember, this video is made step by step for you. Once Visual Studio 2008 installed we proceed to the creation of the variables of the system environment, which will enable the simulator OPNET be the location of the tools of Visual Studio 2008 license OPNET Modeler 14.5 is then installed to continue installing the program, in its original version consists of three components. Summary: In this video the installation of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 is performed, in order to have available on the workstation C ++ compiler, which must be used by the simulation program 'OPNET Modeler'. 5 on Windows 7 Requirements: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 And the following files: (Notice: If you use other sources than the ones. Summary: In this video the installation of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 is performed, in order to have available on the workstation C ++ compiler, which must be used by the simulation program “OPNET Modeler”. Title: How to install OPNET Modeler 14.5 on Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7.